Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wagging war against the mosquitoes

So I really like my new place. However, I DETEST the amount of insects that it contains. It's nice up on the hillside, however, sometimes there is a lack of air flow through the house. Unfortunately, since I have my kitties, I am unable to open the doors to help the air flow bc there are no screens on them and I don't want them to run away! Though the windows do have screens, which is nice, there just needs to be more ventilation (I'm looking into getting a fan, however, getting it to my house is a logistical nightmare without a car).
So since I had been here (all of three nights), I was getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. I counted around 40 (I stopped at that point bc I couldn't see anymore) just on my arms, shoulders, hands, and upper chest area (bc those are the parts of me that are sticking out of the covers at night). Finally my neighbor told me about this bug spray you spray in your house to kill everything. I purchased some yesterday, then proceeded to fumigate my house. That stuff works, let me tell ya! No new mosquito bites last night, plus all the little bugs (gnat like things) were gone too! Yeah! So it appears I'm starting to win this battle. We'll see how long it lasts however, bc if they survived while the dinosaurs died, I think they'll probably prevail. :-(

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