Monday, September 14, 2009

My new home...

So, I promised pics of my house and here are some. There are more on facebook, so if you're my friend, check them out! I have a two bedroom, one bath house (actually the second floor of a two house~ the first floor is rented by a couple from England who are in the process of building their own house near here) (also the bathroom is split, so the toilet is in one room and the shower-that may or may not have lukewarm water- is in the other with the sink outside in between two, with no mirror). I've got a pretty great view (you can see the Caribbean ocean and Cabrits National Park from my place) and its quiet (at night almost all you here are crickets and such). Since I live a decent ways from campus, I get to catch the bus in the mornings with all the locals (a bus is supposed to hold 12-13 people, to give you an idea of how large a bus is). Good times! So whenever you guys want to come visit me, let me know! I've got an extra bedroom and a decently comfy couch!

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