Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Animals Abound

One of the interesting things about moving to Dominica is all of the random animals roaming on the side of the road. It's not uncommon to have a cow in the middle of the road as you're driving along. Take for example, the campus of Ross. There are multiple dogs running around the campus. Island dogs as people call them. They are very sweet and just want you to rub them and of course, if you have leftover food, they are glad to take it off your hands (though they are pretty good about not begging incessantly for it). There are also cows on campus (as pictured above). I don't know exactly who the cows belong to, but they just kinda chill out and munch on the grass.
Now, at my house, there is this open hill opposite from my front door that is apparently the grazing area for random goats and sheep. They are bleating at all hours of the day. The chickens and roosters also hang around and I think by the time I come home for Christmas I'm gonna be sick of hearing the stupid rooster crow! (There's also a random cow down the road)
So the moral of the story is, when you move to Dominica, be prepared for all the animals running around wild (cows, sheep, goats, chickens, dogs, cats, etc) and drive carefully because they run around in the road too and just take their sweet time moving out of your way.

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