Monday, September 14, 2009

On a clear day...

So you know how there's this old play/musical/now a movie called "On a clear day you can see forever." Well, it's hard to imagine how true it is here in Dominica. The other night there wasn't a cloud in the sky, so the stars were amazingly bright! You could actually see the Milky Way! That slight opaque white color swirling through the stars. It reminded me of being in the Outback of Australia. Absolutely amazing. If you've never experienced darkness like that and skies so clear, then you're really missing out.
Now during the day, being clear brings an entirely new meaning. Dominica is situated in between to French islands, Guadeloupe (and Les Saintes) in the north and Martinique in the south. Since I'm on the northwest end of the island, I can generally see Les Saintes (small island group thats a par of Guadeloupe) in the distance. However, on a clear day when there's no clouds or haze, you can see not only Les Saintes, but also the towering island of Guadeloupe behind it. I'm not exactly sure what the distance is between Dominica and Guadeloupe, but it takes an hour by high speed ferry to get there. If it's a clear day and you're standing on the southern most tip (Scott's Head), you can see Martinique. Also, since I'm living on an island, the ocean goes on and on and on. It's cool to look at the horizon and see nothing but water, but to also see the curve of the earth.
This whole place and the atmosphere lends itself well to being able to go all philosophical, however, I'll spare you that misery, bc philosopher I am not (even though I have a doctorate of philosophy~ hardy-har-har!). Anyway, I just hope everyone one day gets a chance to appreciate what I have had the opportunity to appreciate. Until next time...

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