Sunday, September 6, 2009

Moved in...but I'm HOT!

So I have officially moved into my new house (or top floor of a house to be exact). The business of moving is crazy here. They finally out-sourced my move to one of the locals bc it was going to take at least another week if I had waited for the Ross people to do it (and it had already been sitting on the docks for a week!). So I get a call telling my they're on their way to my house, meanwhile I'm still sitting in my temporary housing and have to somehow get to my new place (which is a 20-25 min. drive and I have no car). Luckily I ran into a taxi guy that I had used that morning so he took me up there. Yeah!!! The movers moved all my stuff in and actually helped set up some of the larger things (my bed, kitchen table, bookcase, desk, etc) which I was totally stoked about bc I definitely couldn't have done it myself! I spent all day Saturday unpacking boxes and setting everything up.
And today, I moved out of my temporary housing (with all my suitcases, things I'd acquired over the last two weeks, and my kitties) and into my new house. Now, I know you're itching to see pics, don't worry, they are coming. I want to make sure all the boxes are gone and everything is in its place before I take any to post. My kitties are settling in, but they (as well as I) are RIDICULOUSLY HOT!!! I got this place bc it was cooler (temperature wise) and there's usually a nice breeze. Well, today there wasn't. My poor babies were panting like crazy! Now, I know at this point you are wondering..."Why don't you just turn on the A/C dummy! You do have A/C don't you?" Yes, I do have A/C units in both of the bed rooms. However, it's really expensive to run them (electricity wise). Oooo, on a side note, the way the electricity works here is pretty cool. It's a pay-as-you-go type deal (think pre-paid cell phones, that you buy minutes for and when they run out, you can't talk anymore). So basically I figured it out, that its a dollar an hour to run your A/C (steep, huh?). I've definitely gotta invest in some fans (now if I could only figure out where to buy them...). But back to the cats. I shut them in my bedroom and ran the A/C for a few hours so that they could cool off and start to acclimate to the new temp/place.
Anyway, now that the sun has gone down, it is cooler (about 82 F), but I'm still sweating like crazy. I'll have to get used to this. I'll definitely be glad when cooler weather comes around! (Besides the fact, that I'm gonna freeze my ass off when I come back to the states in December!)

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