Friday, August 28, 2009

Woe to the roads

So I've decided the US is ridiculously spoiled and people should not be complaining about the state of the roads there. Those people just need to come and live in Dominica. Not only is there really only one main road, but they're lucky just to have it! Yes, the majority of the road is paved (but riddled with potholes), but there are some locations (such as near to where my house is) were there is no pavement yet. (I'll be glad when they have finished paving it too!) The potholes will eat the cars. No joke! Just ask any of the people who drive here. You have to get a new set of tires and new brakes each year (brake pads 3x a year).
Also since it is so mountainous, the roads are not straight (it worse than driving the Blue Ridge Parkway), so you need to use your horn everytime you round a corner, so you might end up getting hit by another car or large dump truck (though they are pretty good about blaring their horns). As you can see by the picture, there are plenty of places where there's a 180 degree turn that buses navigate.
I have a new respect for the drivers here, and am leaning toward not getting a car because I'd probably kill myself and someone else trying to navigate these roads. With the lack of shoulders, lanes, traffic lights, traffic cops, and paved roads, I'm just doomed. So, if you decide that you want to visit me (and you're more than welcome to!), expect to be carted around by taxi. Once you're here for 10 minutes you'll undertand why.

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