Thursday, August 27, 2009

Snorkeling in Toucarie Bay

Since I've gotten all I can get accomplished done currently, I've signed up for a bunch of different trips (mostly with the students) to see some of the sights for cheap!! (Note to all new students, take advantage of these trips, they're much cheaper than you'll find later on!). So the one this time was snorkeling in Toucarie Bay, which is actually just north of where I'll be living in Savanne Paille (so about a 20-25 min drive from Ross).
Now, I haven't been snorkeling in a while (quite a few years actually~ I guess working on your Ph.D. doesn't allow you time for much else if you're really trying to graduate!), so this was nice. The reef is quite shallow and close near the cliffs, but will go quite deep (probably 40-50ft). I saw a lot of the same fish that I saw when I was diving in Australia (the names escape me currently, so I guess I'm going to have to become a fish person--I was a bird person in the US). So lots of good snorkeling and scuba diving locations. I'm going to have to invest in a pair of fins and snorkel/mask! But I thought I'd just put a picture in of the bay and the group that went. Lots of fun for only $20EC (about $8 US)! Note to people...bring food, because the snackette only had cheese curls (and they apparently weren't that tasty!).

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