Monday, August 31, 2009

Syndicate Falls

So on Friday, I went on a trip to Syndicate Falls, which is just south of Portsmouth (like a 25 min. drive). I was pleasantly surprised by this trip. Of course, the bus we were on had to break down a little ways from our destination, so they dropped off the students and one bus came back for us (our broken one was taken back and we were given one that actually worked). I had noticed that the speedometer on the bus had not worked since we left school, but who really needs to know how fast they're going anyway.
We get to our drop off point and we do a small hike (it was supposed to only take like 15 min., but probably ended up being closer to 30-40 min. bc of the lines). Pretty good hike! We had to cross through two streams/rivers (so note to those wanting to go here, were appropriate shoes that can get wet and are still sturdy). The falls were nice though. It was crowded bc there were so many of us, and unfortunately the bottom of the falls are fenced in so no one can swim there or get really close. But in the long run, it was definitely worth it, just for the hike! Oh, plus there are lots of fruit trees on the hike (we got some which was either unripe orange or grapefruit, couldn't tell which).
After the falls, we went a little further up the mountain (Morne Diablotin) to the Syndicate Nature Trail. This is where you were supposed to be able to see the parrots (Sisserou and some other kind), unfortunately we didn't see any. But the hike through the woods was pretty good. Since this peak is the highest, the top part is always covered in clouds, so it was really neat to be so close to a cloud-covered peak. Apparently you can hike up to the top, but from where we were it was a 3 hr hike each way (which you must start before 10:30 am!).

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