Friday, February 26, 2010

Rain, Rain, Come and Stay

So Dominica season's are definitely different than in the States. My poor family at home is freezing their butts off and getting tons of snow, while the temperature here hasn't varied more than a total of 20 degrees in the last 6 months. Haha! (Had to boast a bit!) The "winter" season as it is between November and March tend to be much cooler than the "summer" months. And let me tell you, I have enjoyed the temperature. However, now we are in the "dry" season. It hasn't rained more than one day in the last month (a few days after the volcano in Montserrat blew, so at least it washed the ash off of everything)! And for a country that gets an average of 350 inches of rain a year (in the mountains/ 40 inches on the western coast), that's a drought! Since it's so dry, we have all these brush fires that automatically flare up. (I recently saw one so big that I thought it was going to burn down the hotel near it!) My lovely green island is turning BROWN...and I don't like it. So, I really want (and it definitely needs) to rain. End this yucky drought. It's also gotten pretty hot again, and the rain would cool it down some. Rarely do people wish for rain, but I've learned since being here to make an exception and that sometimes rain is a good thing.

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