Monday, January 25, 2010

Home and back again

So it's been about a month since I went home to visit. Sorry I've been MIA from my blog for a while (was too busy having fun with friends visiting from back home!). It was definitely a nice change of pace to go back to the states to visit friends and family (a bit of a whirlwind is an understatement!), but I'm glad I'm back in Dominica. It was great to be able to "bundle up" in pants, scarfs, gloves, and long shirts (though I definitely still enjoy wearing short skirts and sleeveless tops all year round!). One thing that was apparent is that I definitely don't miss the stress and anxiety that comes from living in the states. For example, being back home I felt like everything was on such a strict time schedule. There was no room for relaxation and it was always go go go from one minute to the next. The slower pace of Dominica is divine. Back home, as soon as I got behind the wheel of a car, I was stressed out and got that minor "road rage" back when people weren't going the speed limit. In Dominica, there is no speed limit, so when you're behind someone that's really slow you just kinda deal with it. Therefore my conclusion about Dominica is that if you need less stress and a slower pace of life, this place is for you (I have an extra bedroom available for guests...hint hint). It wasn't all bad being home. I had a great time visiting my family (I love you mom and dad, but I still work best being around for a week or two at a time!), and I ate everything in sight (which I had planned on doing anyway~ though I gained 5lbs at home, I knew I'd lose it w/i a week or two once I got back here). The US is great for many reasons, but bad for many reasons too. The quality of living is definitely better in the US, but the quality of life is better in Dominica!

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