For example, we have days where the power is just off. No reason or warning, just "Sorry, you don't get electricity today." This morning I woke up (yeah yeah, I dragged myself out of bed at 10am, but in my defense I couldn't get to sleep last night until around 2:30am) and realized my fan was not working. I immediately knew that, "okay, today is going to be one of those mornings I don't have power." After you experience this a few times you get used to it and at least your first thought isn't "oh crap..." So I went on my morning like I normally do (feed the cats, clean the litter box, make breakfast...luckily the stove and oven are gas powered so at least you can eat when there's no electricity) and instead of eating my breakfast while watching tv, I sat at the kitchen table and read a magazine. At this point, the power still isn't on. So, I finish putting up my clothes from the four loads of laundry I did yesterday, sat and watched the rain for a bit, and then decided in the midst of a break in the rain that I was going to go for a walk/jog. The walk/jog killed about an hour (just over 3 miles) when otherwise I probably would've been inside watching tv. Others were out and about, playing in the sea, fishing, and chatting to their neighbors (when is the last time you just chatted with your neighbor?) even though there was a slight rain off and on (exercising in the rain is actually quite enjoyable). Came back home (still no power) but was thoroughly hot and soaked so I took a cold shower (still no power remember), which can actually be quite enjoyable once you get over the initial shock. Then finished reading a book that I had started a while back. Right at the end of my book (around 3:15pm) the power came back on. So after I finished my book I turned on the tv and caught the end of the gymnastics championships.
Now, not once today was I upset that I had no power. It's actually quite liberating to have this happen once in a while (luckily they always turn it back on before it gets dark, but I have candles and flashlights just in case). So, in the end, I challenge all of you (back in the states and leading your cushy lives with technology surrounding you) to go a whole day (let's say from the time you wake up until 5pm) without electricity (no tv, computer, internet, etc) and see what you can get out of it and if you actually enjoy going back to the "olden days." Peace out!!