Saturday, September 17, 2011

Typical weather??

So obviously the normal thought process that goes through people's minds when you say you live in the Caribbean is that hurricanes are a norm from July through November. Not really...well, maybe...I guess it depends where in the Caribbean you live.
I myself, being from NC, was used to hurricanes. We usually got one once a year(ish). So I've been in Dominica for 2 years now (this is my third hurricane season). Right after I arrived in 2009, there was a tropical storm that went over us. Nothing fancy. Last November (2010) we had a Category 1 hurricane (Tomas) that passed between us and Martinique (that one I actually felt because I was on the very south part of the island. They said that where I live in the north part of the island, you didn't really feel any of it!).
This hurricane season (2011) has been pretty active. We've had 3 tropical storms that have affected us one way or the other. The earliest was in July (Emily), then Irene, and then Maria (apparently on the ladies love us). Now none of them went right over us. Luckily Dominica is in the Windward Islands (Lesser Antilles) and is too far south to really be affected by the major hurricanes (most of the time). If they graze us, it is usually as a tropical storm and then they pick up speed and intensity after we've been passed (yeah us!). I thought for sure we were going to get Maria (projected to go right over us). We got the outer bands with heavy rain and some wind, then it jump straight north and we had a sunny day! Bummer.
Actually my parents in NC had more issues with hurricanes so far than I have. They lost 13 trees out of their yard from Hurricane Irene!
I mean, it's only September so we are still at the "beginning' of this year's hurricane season. So it'll be interesting to see what else will be happening.
Now, don't get me wrong, I don't want a major storm to hit us. That would really suck. But a little rain and wind never hurt anyone. :)
PS- When I woke up this morning it kinda felt like I was home. It was sorta chilly and its been rainy today. Everyone's facebook status is talking about the cool weather in NC right now. I miss it and everyone back home!